
Historical facts and illogical explanations: mysteries of the pyramid of Cheops

226 stone blocks per day
   Scorching sun, a limited number of slaves and 226 stone blocks per day: historians claim that the great pyramid was built in just 20 years. The post Analytics-based known to mankind facts, and questioned the official version of the origin of the Egyptian pyramids.
I'm not a big supporter of the versions that cannot be substantiated by something other than their own fantasies. So just say — in a sense, I have misled you in the intricate name. I am not going to answer the question "who". Aversio, which is considered to be official by the example of the pyramid of Cheops. The most famous and the largest. Go? The beginning of construction of the pyramid of Khufu is not exactly known, different sources point to early-mid 3rd Millennium BC. The construction time is estimated at twenty years. The original height of 146 meters, the height of today — 138,75 meters. The average volume of the stone blocks that built the pyramid a little more than a cubic meter. Average weight is 2.5 tons. The weight of the big block — 35 tons. The total volume of the pyramid after deducting all explored internal cavities — 2.5 million cubic meters. The number of blocks on the basis of average size ~ 1 cubic meter is approximately of 1.65 million units.

Egyptians moved blocks  35 tons
Science claims that the stones were hollowed in the rocks, driving into the rock with wooden beams and pouring water on them, so they swelled and broke off a piece of rock, then was treated with copper (or other not yet invented) tools, were dragged to the construction site and lifted into place on a wooden "ski" on a specially created mound. About construction and vydalblivanie stones are assumptions of scientists, but the figures are, of course, the facts that can be independently measured by a school ruler and protractor.    Calculate? Let's assume that the construction of the pyramid of Cheops took, in total, 1.65 million stone blocks in the volume cubic meter and a weight of 2.5 tons. Averaged. "Official" the construction of the pyramid is about 20 years old (2560 BC to 2540 BC). Performed simple mathematical calculations and find out that the Egyptians were required on average to produce stone blocks 226 a day.

That is not easy to get wet by cutting into sticks, and to process copper with a file to state the correct form, and correct so that the blocks fit together almost perfectly. These conditional 226 blocks per day should then be delivered to the construction site and hoisted into place due. In principle, already was the place to be experiments proving that the two transport blocks weighing 2.5 tons in those days was possible. As the Egyptians moved blocks weighing 35 tons — so anybody still not understand. The pictures, which under the Egyptian sun joyful crowd of half-naked Egyptian slave with ropes dragging on the bare desert stone with such a weight, I'll leave fans of hard drugs.

Quite another to organize....
   However, one thing to conduct an experiment. Quite another to organize the transportation of such quantity of material in the conditions of the Egyptian heat. And not only transportation, but also the necessary infrastructure. And under the last I don't mean just the road, but also the supply of our brave builders food, water, new tools and a huge pile of everything else that is necessary for acceptable genepoolchlorine big human crowds.  Again, the inevitable question: were the builders of a human being or are they dead like flies? The answer to this question is tricky in any case. In the first — it will make a pretty fantastic figure in 226 blocks per day even more fantastic. It's not just about how to give people eat and sleep, but also that from the conventional twelve-Arbeit under the scorching Egyptian sun, heat-resistant, the Egyptian on the first day, turn into a well done steak. Worked at night? Floodlights in those days was not, and a torch or other lamp, it is similar, not much Shine, and providing such a large number of workers level of lighting will make every stone even gold and diamonds — wood torches in the right quantity to Egypt is simply not to gain, and any fuel oil in the appropriate quantities to recruit and ensure the smooth delivery is the task of difficult. To put it mildly.

 little green men seem less insane version...
   If builders are not spared and under the hot sun and snapping whips of the taskmasters, they lugged all those rocks and tokali copper hoes on the rocks... it is Easy to imagine, what was the mortality rate during such operations. At the time, Vespasian had mobilized a hundred thousand slaves on the construction of the Flavian amphitheatre, better known as the Colosseum. Slaves in the Roman Empire were not spared, however, even the conditions in which they worked, hardly fit to hold a candle to the hell that was constructed under the crazed Egyptian sun not less than the Egyptian pyramids. In addition, Rome in those days had sucked in the good produced by all the Mediterranean, including North Africa and the middle East. Everything that made Vespasian — came running at, if memory serves, Syria, which is quite provided him with the required one hundred thousand slaves. Egypt of the third Millennium BC, of course, had around some neighbors, but these neighbors were hardly capable of providing a continuous stream of slaves for construction. Pick your own farmers, paying them into slavery? Hardly the case in Egyptian agriculture was so good that farmers could supply such a quantity of live product (taking into consideration slave mortality, to put, in fact, continuously). After all, every working hands, cut off from their inheritance — it's a minus one breadwinner, producing meal for your family and for Pharaoh and all the same our long-suffering construction of the pyramid. And to eat in those days and in the more fertile lands were not very fertile...

And I'm really not talking about that, talking about the pyramid of Cheops, one should not forget about the other pyramids. Them in Egypt found, in total, 118.

To summarize? Yes I even little green men seem less insane version than the "official".

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