
Smartphones will take over the Earth

Ericsson Mobility Report


   By 2020 the Earth will be 26 billion devices with access to the Internet and 6.1 billion smartphone users. This will lead to the rapid development of mobile Internet, which in five years will be plugged in 90% of the planet. With 80% of new connections to the mobile network will be in developing countries, where users are already actively buying cheap device. In 2020, smartphones will benefit from 6.1 billion people, according to a new study by Ericsson Mobility Report. According to the estimates of the Swedish company, in 2014, an estimated 2.6 billion smartphone users, and in the first quarter of 2015, the proportion of "smart" gadgets in the total volume of mobile phone sales accounted for 75%. In total for January — March to mobile hooked 107 million units, bringing the total number of connections close to 7.2 billion, and the level of mobile penetration on the planet has reached 99%. No less than the fast-evolving and mobile data network. Due to the growth in the number of smartphones, tablets and mobile routers the number of connections to LTE networks in the first quarter of 2015 exceeded 108 million and reached 2.9 billion.

Average price

  Finally, by the end of 2014 230 million devices worked in M2M networks, which are the basis for the Internet of things — the concept of combining a "smart" consumer electronics into a single network with Internet access.  The rapid emergence of networks of new devices has allowed experts from Ericsson to assert that by 2020 smartphones will use 70% of the population, and to mobile data networks will be 9.5 billion connected devices and 90% of the planet. At the same time, the total number of devices with access to the Internet will reach 26 billion In the coming years, further growth in the popularity of smartphones will contribute to a significant increase in range of gadgets and the share of LTE devices, as well as a decrease in their average prices. Among other factors, the expert noted the popularization of smartphones with large screen size while reducing consumer interest in tablets. The greatest demand will be using gadgets a middle and low price segments. However, the Ericsson experts are inclined to believe that the gradual reduction of smartphones is more true for emerging markets. That's why in the coming years, 80% of new connections gadgets to mobile networks will have on the Asia-Pacific, middle East and Africa.

Through the introduction of 5G technology


data transfer
   At the same time, in developed countries the growth in the number of connections will occur by increasing the number of devices in one account. However, most of them will have access to LTE, so with the increasing number of gadgets simultaneously and expect growth of mobile data traffic. Moreover, according to Ericsson forecasts that by 2020, smartphones will account for 80% of mobile traffic. So, in North America the average monthly traffic per smartphone will grow from 2.4 to 14 GB. The mobile data will increase due to the introduction of 5G technology, which will be released on a commercial level in the next few years. Current laboratory tests 5G has already achieved the maximum Internet speed at 5 Gbit/s. 5G has a huge potential for development, as it enables hundreds of times to increase the speed of data exchange. However, the technology is still at the stage of formation of mobile standards and its implementation will require a lot of time.

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